Wednesday, June 10, 2009

have a web page in one minute !!

If you have a web page you can get money from it by advertise with Google adsense.

In condition of following Google adsense rules
simply if you can work in MS word and you have full version with FrontPage or you can download a fresh version of share point for free from Microsoft.

After installing it now you can easily open it click on align left write your site header as you do in Microsoft word you can insert a horizontal line. 

After that, You can put the mouse click after the line and click on Html code tab from the bottom aria and now you will see the pointer flashing in somewhere you can add your Google adsense code here so it will appear under the horizontal line then you can back to design view and write the content you prepared to your page.

Don’t forget putting back links to your sub-pages and vise versa in sub-pages you have to put inks to your home page whice you must name it index.htm.

You must save the main page (index) and it's sub-pages in one folder.

This is an entrance to this world and the next time I will prepare some photos to be easy to learn.

now you can upload your file to your main dir in your server

Wednesday, June 10, 2009 by Mr.Ramzy · 0

█ How to Avoid Your Blogger from Being Marked As Spam

A few months ago many bloggers woke up to find that their BlogSpot blogs had been locked and marked as spam. Now while Blogger did admit their mistake and restored all accounts that had been mistakenly marked as such, it caused a huge panic among bloggers that they too might have their blogs locked or marked. So much so that many people that previously used Blogger quickly moved to WordPress to avoid this happening again.

But this panic has been blown out of proportion. Blogger is still a great place to host your blogs ( as I hope ) and you can still use it to full advantage and avoid your Blogger blog being marked as spam.

Firstly what does Blogger classify as spam? Any blog that contains irrelevant or nonsensical text (often repeating certain keyphrases over and over again) that is full of links all pointing to a single site. People use them to try and give their main site (the site that the blogs link to) more backlinks. However they are usually found pretty quickly and locked or removed. Often they are created by software programs that just pull snippets or scrape content from other websites or articles to make a very large site within minutes all designed to create link spamming.

If you are a legitimate blogger then you don't need to worry. You are able to write reviews about products and place your affiliate links just fine if you follow the rules and make your post informative to the reader. You can add AdSense on your page without any problems if your content is interesting and original. You can even sell products directly from your blog if the product is legitimate and useful.

As long as you use your blog the way they were intended, by you as the author writing about your thoughts, opinions and advice on any topic that interests you then you shouldn't have any problems.

It really comes down to the content you have on your blog and how fresh, original and helpful it is to a reader, because as they say content is king and in this case it'll keep your blog from being marked as spam.

by Mr.Ramzy · 0

Step System to Make Top Google Adsense Money

1. Keywords and Competition

To make money with Google Adsense it all starts here by choosing high paying Google Adsense keywords to make more money. Look for keywords that are searched for frequently, but have little competition and build web pages around these keywords. Your pages will still display the high paying Adsense ads to make you more money.

2. Good Domain Name

Register keyword rich appealing names.

3. Interesting and Unique Content

Creating unique and interesting content for your visitors so they return will make you even more money with Google Adsense .For more details visit to Your own content is best, or you can go to the article sites and use their content (as long as you abide by their rules), but add an introduction and a summary to make it unique.

4. Professional Looking Website

Many quality templates are available for you to produce Google Adsense websites. Use images sparingly to avoid distracting visitors from your content and clicking on your Adsense ads. Professional looking sites make money; don’t build a website that looks like your dog created it.

5. Optimize Pages

Well optimized pages rank well and will make good Adsense money:

— Title: Your keyword and a few extra words

— Meta Description: Use your keyword and make it appealing

— Meta Keyword Tag: Only use your keyword and one or two related keywords.

— Keyword Density: Aim for 3% - 5% keyword density

— Internal Linking: Use keywords in links

6. Adsense Placement

It’s well known that Google Adsense ads displayed at the top and middle of the page make more money than those down the side or at the bottom. Make your Google Adsense ads blend in with your page.

7. Blog

Create blogs and add links to your site and to some of your posts. Blogs that have regularly posts rank higher and get listed faster than websites (any links get spidered too). Write at least two posts a week and use Google Adsense on your blogs to make more money.

8. Google Site Map

Getting indexed fast will make you more Google Adsense money. Create a Google site map and send it to them and your site will get indexed fast. Your pages will still display the high paying Adsense ads to make you more money .For more information visit to Few use this method of generating free traffic to make money from Google Adsense. Articles also give you quality one way links. For a new site write two to three articles a week.

10. External Links

Nothing will improve your search engine rankings more than having quality one way links to your site. Good links will also give you more traffic to make even more money from your Adsense ads

by Mr.Ramzy · 0