Tuesday, March 31, 2009

- Affiliate Internet Marketing - How to Make Money as a Super Affiliate

One common problem that many new affiliate marketers have is to find a lucrative market. Usually, highly experienced affiliate marketers know how to conduct research and spot opportunities on the Internet. This ability doesn't come easily. A lot of time is needed to experiment to learn how to find the right markets.

One quick way to pinpoint a lucrative market, is through affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing basically means that you will be promoting someone else products. If a sale is made, you make a percentage of the sale. If you don't sell, you don't earn anything.

The key benefit of affiliate marketing is that it's risk free. All you got to do, is to start driving traffic to the offer. All it takes is a hundred visitors or so, and you have all the data you need to make an assessment for the offer you are promoting.

This is ideal for market research. You don't need to spend thousands of dollars developing a product, only to find that the market is not receptive to what you have to offer. Once you find a strong offer, make plans to penetrate the market.

Everything starts from your affiliate marketing efforts. Using this simple approach, you can even test out several markets at the same time. You get all the market research you will ever need in just a few short days.

After that, simply focus more on the profitable markets. Simply scale your business by repeating what you have just done to rake in more cash.

To scale your internet business, you may wish to build a list. It sound simplistic, but list building works.

Here is an example. Let's say you start off with just one product, and you sell it for $47. When you make a sale, you earn 47 bucks. If you make 10 sales, you make $470. To make more money, you have to acquire more customers. If you don't, you can't grow your business.

Let's assume that your customer base doesn't grow. Is there a way to grow your business? You can still grow your business by working on backend products. You are trying to sell to your existing customer base. That greatly increases the customer lifetime value.

There is a lifetime value for each customer - and that is the total amount of money that he is willing to spend on your products and services. If you make $2,000 profits just be selling to this same customer, that customer's lifetime value would be $2,000.

Now the business gets more exciting. Every customer equals a lifetime value of at least $2000 to you. You can spend $1000 to acquire the customer and still make a profit.

To make money, affiliate marketers must repeat the sales process. A sale is made, and a little bit of money is earned, but the customer has been neglected. Try to serve just one customer over and over again. It's much easier to sell to an existing customer than to sell to a completely new customer.

Use a simple web form to capture emails so that you can get in touch with your prospects again. You may earn 5 to 10 times whatever you are earning now.

source: http://www.thatsmyniche.com/Article/Affiliate-Internet-Marketing---How-to-Make-Money-as-a-Super-Affiliate/129409

Tuesday, March 31, 2009 by Mr.Ramzy · 0

Being Successful At Affiliate Marketing Is Still Easier

Perhaps, because of the ease of both the setup and operation, people over look a lot of things when actually signing up for an affiliate program. For more details go to: www.boost-website-traffic.com. To ensure that you have success, start by choosing the right affiliate program. Here are some of the things to look for.

The affiliate program you choose to work with has to be reputable of course, not just for financial reason but for personal reasons as well.

If you offer low quality products or services you risk jeopardizing your personal reputation. Because it is very difficult to redeem yourself working at home online, its important that you take the time to research the company and test the products being offered before offering them.

One of the first things you should check for are references. What are other people saying about it? A good place to look is on sites that report on affiliate programs. You can ask members of the forum if they have used the program and their opinions of it. People on business or affiliate forums generally give honest reviews of the programs.

1) However, even the best reviewed program isn't worth your time if the commissions are too low to draw a steady income. For can visit to: www.money-secret-exposed.com.You want to invest your time into programs that offer 50% or higher. Also look at how much you earn for the program. You don't want to put your efforts into an affiliate marketing program that only pays you two dollars for your efforts.

When looking for affiliate marketing programs, opt for those that pay a residual income. These are programs that pay you over and over again for doing the job once. For example, if the customer bought from you once you would be rewarded if they bought another item in the future.

But the program should have a reliable payment system. There isn't anything worse than working hard to make the sales and then waiting around to get paid. Unfortunately, even legitimate companies can have payment slip ups. To avoid being left waiting for your money, check the payment background of the company. How often do they pay their working at home affiliates and when how often do they have problems"?

Good affiliate programs also offer support in the form of tools, resources and even a personal mentor. You shouldn't feel like you're all on your own doing everything from scratch. Its also important that you like the niche.

A major reason people fail is they don't take the time to find affiliate marketing programs that they can successfully promote. It doesn't matter how great the program is, if you have no interest in the products or services. Whats more it has to match your website theme otherwise you wont be able to target the right market.

You have to consider the global market when you are choosing a working at home affiliate program. It doesn't make sense to opt for a program that has outdated products or no longer serves a wide market. What are some of the trends? What are people putting their money into, and do they have long term market potential?

Getting off on the right foot is the best way to ensure long term success. To do this use some of the tips above to help you choose the right affiliate marketing program working at home.

source: http://www.thatsmyniche.com/Article/Being-Successful-At-Affiliate-Marketing-Is-Still-Easier/129979

by Mr.Ramzy · 0

How Can I Earn Money From Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate Marketing - WOW!

We see it everywhere on the Internet in our emails and on forums and Social Media websites.

In fact it has been around for quite a long while yet many people are clueless to what it is about, or just how one can earn money let alone make an income from it at the comfort of your home.

Fast forward to present day, we see tons and tons of them being fiercely advertised and we see many ordinary folks like you and me earning an income from it.

1) Let me go into depth what is Affiliate Marketing. It is a co-exist relationship between you and a merchant where you help promote the merchant's website on the Internet by driving traffic (Customers) to purchase their services or products. For more details go to: www.boost-website-traffic.com.In this arrangement you are paid a Commission whenever a purchase has been made.

2) It has become very popular for Internet Marketers to become Affiliate Marketers as the commission one is able to earn from the Merchant ranges from 5% - 75%. With this attractive payout many Internet Marketers form partnerships with merchants all over the Internet and help promote their products and services. For can visit to: www.money-secret-exposed.com. Many Affiliate Marketers join the well known companies like ClickBank, Amazon and many others out there to promote their products as the companies have strong and reliable branding and services such as payment processors and customer support.

There are 2 kinds of paid commission an Affiliate Marketer can earn:

A) A one time payment where after the sale is made you are paid your commission or
B) A recurring payment where you are paid monthly for the rest of your life.

For example Merchant A pays a commission of $100 whenever a sale is made. Once completed you get paid $100 and have to create another sale to earn another $100 again.

Merchant B gives a commission of $20 whenever a sale is made and on top of that, after ONE sale is made, you are continuously being paid a recurring income of $20 every month from Merchant B. This kind of payment usually derives from a membership service. 

As you can see one would choose Merchant B and be an Affiliate but it really depends on the products and services that Merchant B is offering. Some Affiliate Marketers may prefer to go with Merchant A as his services or products may appeal to a better group of customers.

Before you embark on your journey to earning a full time income as an Affiliate Marketer at home, do your research, seek out a good company with good products that are in demand or services and promote them by driving traffic to the Merchants website.

May you have fun learning and promoting your Affiliate services and products. The rewards will come as they are waiting for you. Good Luck...

source: http://www.thatsmyniche.com/Article/How-Can-I-Earn-Money-From-Affiliate-Marketing-/130007

by Mr.Ramzy · 0